• You can cancel items or orders by visiting the Your Orders section in Your Account.
  • In case your order is combined with other active orders from your account and is shipped together as a single shipment under one common tracking number, then cancelling one partial order/item would result in cancellation of all the other orders/items combined in the shipment. You can either accept the entire shipment or refuse it completely.
  • If you refuse to accept the shipment, you will receive the complete refund once the shipment is returned to Punctual Kart, if the payment was already made.
  • Your order will be cancelled by the seller and a refund will be processed to your original payment method, if the payment was already made.
  • If your order is already delivered, you may consider returning it.
  • If you have received a damaged, defective or wrong product, please reach out to us.
  • Your order can be cancelled from our end if any unexpected reason occurs and your money will be refunded with 7 working days of time.


  • Site in Progress and under maintenance